Alcohol Detox in Atlanta

If you are struggling with alcohol addiction and are ready to get on the road to recovery, you shouldn’t go it alone. Our Alcohol detox in Atlanta can help.


Alcohol is one of the most widely used intoxicating substances in the world. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, it is estimated that in 2021, 133.1 million people in the U.S. consumed alcohol — and, of that group, 16.3 million people reported heavy alcohol use, and 29.5 million people experienced alcohol use disorder.


Despite being a popular substance of use across the world, alcohol addiction is an incredibly debilitating condition that can take a heavy toll on a person’s relationships, quality of life, and health. In fact, alcohol withdrawal can be incredibly dangerous resulting in seizures, coma, and death.


What is Alcohol Detox?

Our alcohol detox in Atlanta is generally considered the first step in the recovery journey. The goal of alcohol detox is to ensure your physical safety and comfort while helping your body to rid itself of alcohol and return it to a neutral state.


While the words “detox” and “withdrawal” are often used interchangeably, they are not the same thing. Withdrawal is the combination of symptoms that you might experience as your body begins to learn to adjust to an alcohol-free state. Detox is the set of interventions that are used to help you safely and comfortably manage withdrawal.

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    Why Is Medically-Supervised Alcohol Detox So Important?

    The first step in any recovery journey is to go through detox. While many think that they can either detox from home, or detox from alcohol cold-turkey, this can be extremely dangerous and is not advised. When your body begins to rely on alcohol, suddenly removing the substance from your body can be painful and life-threatening. Dangers of alcohol withdrawal can include:

    1. Hallucinations
    2. Seizures
    3. Tremors and Delirium Tremens
    4. Increased blood pressure
    5. Rapid pulse

    Entering into our alcohol detox in Atlanta or any medically-supervised detox is going to be crucial if you are looking to maintain your sobriety. At our medically-supervised detox, you will have the benefit of medical care and supervision 24/7 to ensure a detox free of complications.


    How Do I Know I Need Alcohol Detox?

    Anyone who is dependent on or addicted to alcohol should seek out alcohol detox in Atlanta for help. If you are not sure if your alcohol use is problematic, consider the following questions:

    1. Do you drink more frequently or consume more alcohol than you intended to?
    2. Does it take more and more alcohol in order to feel its effects?
    3. Do you spend a great deal of time getting or using alcohol, or recovering from drinking?
    4. Have you given up significant personal or professional obligations in order to drink?
    5Do you crave a drink when you haven’t had one?

    6. Do you experience withdrawal symptoms when you haven’t had a drink, or need to drink in order to avoid withdrawal symptoms?

    7. Has your drinking led to problems with your job, relationships, or health?

    8. Do you continue to drink despite problems in your life, relationships, or with your health caused by your alcohol use (or made worse by it)?

    9. Do you drink in hazardous or dangerous situations, such as while driving?

    10. Have you tried to stop drinking on your own, but are unable to?

    11. Are you unable to meet important personal or professional obligations because of your drinking?


    If you answered yes to two or more of these questions, it’s time to get help from an alcohol detox center. 

    alcohol detox

    How Soon Can I Get Into Detox?

    We’re here 24/7 to help you get the care you need to live the life you want. Talk to our recovery specialists today and start treatment immediately.

    Signs and Symptoms of Alcohol Withdrawal

    Depending on the severity of physiological dependence, a range of withdrawal symptoms may occur. Signs and symptoms of alcohol can range from mild to severe.


    Mild Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

    1. Tremors
    2. Anxiety
    3. Headache
    4. Nightmares
    5. Insomnia
    6. Mood Swings

    7. Light and sound sensitivity
    8. Fatigue
    9. Abdominal pain
    10. Irritability
    11. Fever
    12. Decreased appetite

    Severe Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

    1. Severe tremors
    2. Nausea or vomitting
    3. Seizures
    4. Hallucinations
    5. High blood pressure
    6. Fever

    7. Light and sound sensitivity
    8. Fatigue
    9. Abdominal pain
    10. Irritability
    11. Fever
    12. Decreased appetite

    Signs of Delirium Tremens (DTs)

    Delirium tremens (DTs) is a severe syndrome from alcohol withdrawal. Studies show only 2% of people who experience alcohol use disorder have DTs during withdrawal. 

    Signs and symptoms of delirium tremens include:

    1. High fever
    2. Uncontrollable shaking
    3. Seizures
    4. Hallucinations
    5. Agitation
    6. Delirium

    Delirium tremens can also cause cardiac arrhythmia, and aspiration pneumonitis, which can ultimately lead to death.

    Alcohol Withdrawal Timeline

    Alcohol withdrawal symptoms may appear within 6 to 24 hours after the last drink, though it may begin even when a person still has alcohol in their system. Withdrawal symptoms may peak in intensity by the second day and begin to improve by the fourth or fifth day.   For individuals whose dependence was prolonged or whose use was excessive, a condition known as post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS) can occur. PAWS may result as the brain and body adjust after active addiction. Symptoms tend to be more psychological than physical in nature but can last for several weeks or months.  

    What to Expect at Our Alcohol Detox in Atlanta

    Each person that comes to us for treatment is unique and requires a personalized approach to care. When you first enter detox, our specialists will assess your physical and mental health needs in order to help them develop a treatment plan that is specific to you. Once a course of action is determined, treatment begins.


    Sometimes medications are used to help manage withdrawal symptoms and cravings that may occur as your body begins to adapt to an alcohol-free state. Your treatment team will discuss the possible use of Medication-Assisted Treatment with you.


    Once it’s safe to do so, during detox you may participate in group and individual counseling sessions to help begin working through the underlying causes that lead to addiction, identify triggers, and learn coping skills that can help you through your recovery journey.

    Does Insurance Cover Alcohol Detox?

    Yes, insurance plans will cover addiction recovery treatment services, including detox. However, the particular insurance plan that you have will determine how much of your treatment is covered, as well as how much you are required to pay out-of-pocket. It’s recommended that you check and get an insurance verification with us today.

    Find Alcohol Detox in Atlanta, Today!

    If you are struggling with addiction to alcohol — or are concerned about your use and need help stopping — there is effective evidence-based addiction-focused healthcare that can get you on the road to recovery and living the life you deserve.

    Contact the knowledgeable and helpful experts at Detox Atl to learn more about your treatment options and to start the alcohol detox admissions process. Don’t wait; call us today to find out how beautiful a life in recovery can be.