Trauma Therapy in Atlanta

Oftentimes those who struggle with addiction have a history of traumatic experiences in their lives that may have led to their use of substances. Trauma therapy can be used in conjunction with recovery to help to begin to heal the underlying traumas in a person. Trauma therapy in Atlanta, although not a quick cure, can help a person begin to navigate the trauma without the use of drugs and alcohol.

What is Trauma Therapy?

Trauma therapy helps treat results from a person experiencing trauma, whether that be ongoing and perpetual trauma or has happened as far back as their childhood. People who have experienced trauma oftentimes deny ever having experienced trauma and often suffer from significant feelings of shame and guilt. There are several events that fall under trauma, common ones include:

1.  Physical abuse

2.  Sexual abuse

3.  Emotional abuse

4.  Domestic violence

5.  Violent acts by a stranger

6.  Bullying

7.  Natural disasters (earthquakes, flooding, hurricanes)

8.  Neglect during childhood 

9.  Acts witnessed or participated in during military service

10.  The death of a loved one

11.  Prolonged illness 

12.  Divorce or ending other relationships

Trauma therapy in Atlanta can help a person understand if what they went through qualifies as trauma. Once qualified, a plan to treat the trauma can be devised and recovery from the trauma can begin.

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    Signs and Symptoms of Trauma

    There are several signs and symptoms that exist within someone that has been through trauma which can be both physical and behavioral:

    1.  Sleeping too much or too little

    2.  Headaches

    3.  Nausea and vomiting

    4.  Digestive conditions

    5.  Unexplained body aches and pains

    6.  Nightmares

    7.  Easily startled

    8.  Easily angered

    9.  Difficulty thinking or making decisions

    10.  Avoidance of people or places that remind the person of the trauma

    11.  Having anxiety

    12.  Panic attacks

    13.  Periods of depression

    14.  Flashbacks about the trauma that occurred

    15.  Suicidal ideation or suicidal attempts

    16.  Abuse of drugs or alcohol in order to self-medicate

    Types of Trauma Therapy in Atlanta

    There are several treatments available for treatment therapy in Atlanta. One of the types of treatments is individual therapy, or individual psychotherapy, where a person speaks one-on-one with a therapist trained to treat trauma. There is also group therapy available to participate within to deal with the effects of trauma.

    There are several types of trauma treatments, which include grief and loss counseling, peer or individual support, and group therapy sessions. All these types of trauma therapies in Atlanta can help to begin to heal a person within recovery and to develop coping skills, developmental skills, and learn emotional regulation.


    How Soon Can I Get Care?

    We’re here 24/7 to help you get the care you need to live the life you want. Talk to our recovery specialists today and start treatment immediately.

    Benefits of Trauma Therapy

    The benefits of trauma therapy are plentiful. When you get to the root of the experiences that may have informed substance abuse, one becomes more free from their past and can begin to heal in a more robust and significant way. Trauma therapy allows more insight into underlying issues and inevitably helps in healing the past to move forward to a healthier life.

    The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) lays out 6 principles of good trauma treatment:

    1.  A safe environment

    2.  Peer support groups

    3.  Collaboration with family, friends, or groups

    4.  Empowerment, voice, and choice

    5.  Cultural, historical, and gender-related issues

    6.  Transparency

    The Correlation Between Trauma and Addiction

    Trauma that goes without healing can lead to addiction. For example, there is a link that shows soldiers suffering from PTSD are at a greater risk of needing alcohol detox because of the trauma they suffered.


    By dealing with and looking at the root cause of trauma, it reduces the risk of relapse. 

    Find Trauma Therapy in Atlanta Today!



    If you have a history of trauma throughout your life, no matter if it was in your childhood, or more recently, it has likely impacted your life in a negative way. In beginning the journey of healing, it is paramount to look at past traumas and to heal them in a safe and supportive environment. Detox ATL offers trauma therapy in our immersive drug detox programs. Call us at 470-828-2226 today. The hardest step is making the first call, we will guide you from there.